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Stories Behind the Songs: Waiting For Superman

I am super excited to announce I am releasing a new song that has been a long time in the making. It is called Waiting For Superman and I will be releasing a video of the story behind it soon :)

Waiting For Superman speaks to the idea that as you grow up you are exposed to many comics, TV shows and movies that have a superhero that comes and saves the day. And being exposed to these ideas makes you think that that is how it is in real life. You start to expect that someone else will take ownership and responsibility of your problems. It doesn’t matter who you nominate as your superhero, it could be your parent, partner, sibling, friend.

While we all need people around us to support us and help us get through tough times, it can become toxic when we feel we cannot do anything without them and it is up to them to solve our problems. We start to depend on them and feel disempowered to do anything ourselves.

This song is about the point in time when you say ‘no, I am fed up with waiting’ and start to realise that actually you have both the responsibility and capability to solve your own problems and others will help you but there is no superman to save you.

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