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Autumn Leaves

I wrote Not a Kid in an attempt to understand why although I was an adult and should have had everything 'figured out', I felt just as lost and scared as I did when I was a kid. Writing it made me realise nobody really has it figured out. We are all just trying to do our best everyday to cope with this crazy concept called life.

Image by Paul Volkmer

I was angry when I wrote 'Ego'. I had had enough of being with someone who just made me feel small all the time. Every compliment was backhanded, every apology was actually how i was too sensitive. Leaving him was the scariest and bravest thing I did.


Waiting For Superman is a song I wrote when I reached a point at which I thought I can't keep relying on someone else to own my problems and take responsibility of my life.. I realised there is no 'hero' that will come and save you and you have to be your own 'superman'


Equality is based on a true story of a girl who killed a cheerleader because she was so jealous of her. This song explores the destructive nature of jealousy. We are told from young what will make us happy and what we should aspire to and watching someone get what you crave is one of the most painful feelings. 

Frosted trees

Wonderland is about about the idea that we all have a happy place we escape from life for a bit. But sometimes that happy place can be destructive in the form of addiction or being dependent on someone or even zoning out and living in the past. This is is about recognising that we create Wonderland in our minds and coming to terms with that.

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